
frequently asked questionsFAQ


On this page we have collected the most popular questions, so that you could easily find the answer for almost any question you may have.

In order to enroll as a coach with WiseHead please follow next steps:

Note! Personal information (First Name, Last Name, etc.) & Professional (ICF or Other Accreditations, A Link To LinkedIn Profile , etc) must be provided. Intended service(s) provided must be specified (Executive, Career, Life, Business coaching, etc.), and working hours as well as time zone must be set up.

No. WiseHead Coaching Platform is a marketplace. Coaches can sign up, build his/her profile and earn money by getting client leads from the platform for free. Mentee can find and book a coach time according to their preferences.

As a mentee the best way to achieve this is to cancel the current session and schedule a new one. We are looking forward to add this feature in the near future.

The platform informs users about coach business hours, however letting them put in other time as well to maximize requests for each coach. We'd recommend to look go to the session list by next link and decline the session. As part of the declining process you will be asked to provide the message. It will be sent directly to the user, you can add your availability information there and ask the user to reschedule the session.

We recommend try to make the session with mentee. If it hard to make, you can decline the session. As part of the declining process you will be asked to provide the message. It will be sent directly to the user, you can add your availability information there and ask the user to reschedule the session.

We always follow the coaching industry standards. The 1st session is an important one for the coach, to speak to a new mentee and understand if he can support the mentee or not. That’s why it's always free.

The platform users about coach business hours, however letting them put in other time as well to maximize requests for each coach. We'd recommend to look go to the session list by next link and decline the session. As part of the declining process you will be asked to provide the message. It will be sent directly to the user, you can add your availability information there and ask the user to reschedule the session.

Please contact us via email support@wise-head.com. We usually process orders within 2-4 hours, and once we have processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes.

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